
© W. Scott Grant
October 21, 2003

I thought nothing of the brilliant star
That shone overhead that night.
Many weary travelers came to my father’s inn.
Would I give up my room for a pregnant woman?
~ I refused.

That night, a boy was born in our stable.
“The New King,” they said. “Bring gifts to Him.”
Though I had many things I could give.
I could never part with a single one.
~ I refused.

Traveling on business, many years later,
I witnessed a gathering in the wilderness.
A strange man spoke of the Messiah, soon to come,
“Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!”
~ I refused.

Three more years went by, I met with this Messiah.
I asked, “What shall I do to inherit eternal life?”
What He told me that day weighed heavy on my heart.
He told me to sell all my things and to follow Him.
~ I refused.

They accused Him of blasphemy and treason.
“Crucify Him! Crucify Him” cried the people.
Who will speak in His defense? His own friends denied Him.
I’d seen no such evil. I could have spoken up.
~ I refused.

When I saw that He’d risen from the grave,
I could scarcely believe it when He spoke my name.
The day he ascended into heaven as we watched, he said,
“And beloved, I send the promise of My Father upon you.”

The man He called “Rock” spoke clear and loud,
“Repent in the name of Jesus Christ, and be baptized,
And you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.”
I fell to my knees, guilty with grief, and prayed.

Even though I had refused Him no less than five times,
He still forgave me and gave me the greatest gift of all.
From birth, to death, to life again, He sought me out.
Just as he seeks you now, this very moment.
~ Will you refuse?

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